Thursday, February 11, 2010


I realized today that what I really wanted to be doing was thinking lofty thoughts. I have an ongoing nagging thread of a conversation with God in my head about the whole faith vs. works thing. A different train of thought about what the prophet Ezekiel would likely say to the US, to me. I'm frustrated by a bombardment of perfect bodies televised continually---commercials that shame the process of growing older so that we'll buy the right lotion or cream. A frightening notion that emerging outdoors without sunscreen and appropriate clothing could be dangerous. (Which sadly enough seems to be a tight, mid-drift baring t-shirt) I'm saddened by the abundance of processed foods, fast foods, high fat foods, fake food masked by a fat free label. I can't say I'm "over"burdened by many of these issues. But I do find them interesting. I'd like to ponder a bit about them and come up with something bitingly sarcastic, something witty and perhaps insightful.

But while those things dance around the edge of my personal radar, my actual day is spent doing something far different. Savannah has decided that she wants to grow her bangs out just like her big sister. So instead of wrapping my mind around some of the social adjustment issues of this generation and using big words and complex sentences, I'm sitting at my kitchen table waiting for the cupcakes to be done as Nate and Savannah plaster my short spiky hair with her new, big, flowery, barrettes.

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