Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Just a quick WAHOO! to say that we have been discharged from the hospital and are now resting comfortably at home. Just a day shy of 2 weeks. We'll be open for visits tomorrow. Kev loves to see folks, but a 10-15 minute stretch is about all he can handle right now. Give us a call if you'd like to pop over... 919-381-4637.


Margot said...


The Grushes said...

Praise God for His faithfulness! While we never met personally (You were on furlough when I visited BGO), I have seen the faces of the souls you touched. God continue to bless you and strengthen you!

Richa said...

JD! I am so happy that Dr. B is going to be all right. I was randomly telling my friend about my experience at NCSSM and about some of my teachers there. I told her how I misspelled 'discrete' as 'discreet' on my first day in Discrete Math and that Kevin had called me out on it and I was so embarrassed! Then, I just googled his name to see where you all were in the world and I found this blog. I am sorry to hear of the scary past few weeks, but I am very glad to hear that things are going well now. Please send my regards and I send a hug to you.

Krissy said...

JD - glad to hear you guys are home!!! Can you send or post your address? I'd like to send a card.